Welcome to ningbo evergreen environmental technology co., LTD.
Special design qualification of environmental pollution prevention and control engineering
Member of zhejiang environmental protection association
Member of ningbo environmental protection association
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Keywords:Waste gas treatment Dust removal equipment Bag-type strainer Water rotary dedusting equipment Smoke management
Current position: Home ›› Product center ›› Spray dust suppression system
Spray dust suppression system

Spray dust suppression has been widely used in many industries, including large spray fuel boilers for power plants, spray insecticides for agricultural production, and medical sprays. All of them can not do without the important role of spray dust suppression. Most of the atomization equipment uses spray nozzle Atomize the liquid into clusters of droplets.

Product display

  Spray dust suppression has been widely used in many industries, including large spray fuel boilers for power plants, spray insecticides for agricultural production, and medical sprays. All of them can not do without the important role of spray dust suppression. Most of the atomization equipment uses spray nozzle Atomize the liquid into clusters of droplets.

  The spray dust suppression device uses fine water mist particles below 10μm (fog with a diameter below 10μm is called dry mist) generated by the spray sprayer to make the dust particles stick to each other, agglomerate and increase, and settle under its own gravity. Dust can be agglomerated by water bonding, but the finest dust will only agglomerate when the water droplets are small (dry mist) or when chemical agents (such as surfactants) are added to reduce the surface tension of the water. If the diameter of the water mist particles is larger than the dust particles, then the dust only moves with the airflow around the water mist particles. The water mist particles and the dust particles have little or no chance of contact, and the dust suppression effect is not achieved. The particle size is close. When the dust particles move with the airflow, they will collide with and contact the water mist particles and stick together. The smaller the water mist particles, the greater the probability of coalescence, and the coalesced dust mass becomes larger and heavier, so it is easy to land. So as to achieve the role of dust suppression.

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Office Address: 703, Building 1, Miao Huan Power Town, Qingfeng Road, Jiangbei High-tech Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province
Production Address: No. 3 Zhuhai Road, Chengdong Industrial Park, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province
Sales Department:+86-574-87792453
+86 13081928795
+86 18257419819
Purchasing department: +86-574-87210884

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